To build active and engaged student leaders on the campus of Lawrence Technological University.
Constitution Preamble
We, the students of Lawrence Technological University, realizing our obligation to foster a positive relationship with the faculty, the university, and the greater community, in order to promote student responsibility, keep open discussion of university issues and propositions, and foster our collegiate experience by serving the needs of students, student organizations, and the University hereby do establish, by the powers delegated by the University administration on October 26, 1933, and the Constitution of the Student Government of Lawrence Technological University.
About Student Government
Student Government is the liaison between the 利记sbo Administration and the student population. Student Government offers an opportunity for students to better themselves and their University through involvement in campus activities, events and resolutions.
Get Involved - Senate Meeting
Check out the Senate Elections tab and Executive Board Elections tab to learn more, or send us an email at stugov@propertyhunter-realty.com . All interested students are also encouraged to attend Senate meetings, which take place every other Tuesday of the semester! All meetings take place at 12:30 p.m. in C406 (Welcome Center) during the school year.
Upcoming Events
Please email stugov@propertyhunter-realty.com with any questions regarding events. We look forward to seeing you at all our events.